I have just finished prototyping a new transducer mount that fits in the scuppers under the seat on the Slayer 13. I decided this was a perfect time to finally fit up my sounder and battery mount.
The scupper mount has a plastic bash plate that is pulled up against the hull of the kayak. I didn’t have any counter sunk screws but this was just a trial so I chucked in what I had. This went together fairly well. It needs a couple of adjustments but otherwise it is sitting nice and tightly against the kayak.
The top of the scupper mount is screwed in with a bung that has a slot to allow the cable through.
I removed the rear hatch and used a new cover with a cable pass through. This also has two plugs which one is for my light and the other for a live bait tank.
I taped a piece of wire to the transducer plug to help run it through the hull and pulled it through to the front hatch.
I am fitting a BerleyPro Battery Mount to this kayak so I removed the cable gland and run the power cable and the transducer cable through the gland in the cover plate.

I wired up a plug and grease filled the back with a rubber boot so I could easily disconnect the batteries from the sounder. I use gold plated terminals with all my electrical connections to give that added corrosion resistance to hopefully save my electrics if I ever dunk a connector or forget to plug something in while on the water.

I like being able to change where I have everything on my kayak so I use the Railblaza trac mounts with starports. I modified a Ram sounder mount to be able to fit into the starport so I could keep just the one type of fitting on the rail.
I then clamped the cables up with Groove Clamps so they would be out of my way. The one thing I hate, is using the sounder in daylight and not being able to see the screen. To solve this I have just made a sun visor and I can’t wait to do some trolling!
And now the electrics are all sorted it is time to get the kayak wet!