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From Idea to Innovation: The Native Watercraft Rudder Upgrade

After my trip away to Wingan Inlet and having to do 21 point turns in the river to change direction, it was definitely time to look at upgrading the rudder on the Slayer 13.

There are a few different options for upgrading the rudder currently which are done by extending it towards the rear or by adding a completely new drop down rudder on the rear. I wanted something that could use the existing attachments reliably and simple to install. I decided to go deeper into the water to keep the torque on the steering connections minimal but I had to come up with a way that wouldn’t damage the rudder on snags.

  I modeled up a kick up rudder to fit in the existing location. I needed it to be the same size as the old rudder or smaller so I can still drag the yak up the beach without damaging anything.

Native Watercraft Rudder Assembly

Over the weekend I 3d printed the prototype rudder shaft.

Rudder Prototype take 2

I cut the rudder blades out of plastic and aluminium.


I bolted everything together and headed down to flinders for a test run. I took the native for a test run with the existing rudder then shot back into shore to swap it over with the prototype.


The turning characteristics of this kayak had completely changed for the better. The handle didn’t feel tight in forwards or reverse but the turning circle had greatly improved! I had to have a flick while I was on the water and managed to bag a decent squid :)!

Squid New Rudder

When beaching the yak the rudder performed better than expected and folded up nicely.


The first prototype was a success but there is alot of room for improvement. I hope to have another prototype finished this week and ready to go out for testing over the weekend. These rudders will be available shortly when we are 100% happy with the results.


  • Adam Geezy

    I love Berleypro and their entire line of Native Watercraft upgrades; quality products and quality customer service! I do think it might be helpful to specify that the awesome upgraded rudder they offer is NOT compatible with the Slayer or Slayer Max line of kayaks. I was lucky enough to win a slightly used rudder on Ebay but quickly discovered the “shaft” of the rudder is not long enough to fit the 10 foot Slayer Max. I think it was intended for Titans and cannot be used on Slayers without extensive modification to lengthen the shaft of the rudder. Still a quality product. I’m hoping they come out with a Native Slayer rudder soon!

  • Very interested in your rudder design. How can I purchase?
    Thanks in advance

  • The length appears to be cut in half and added to the depth. Compared to the other modifications out there (extended length) how does this one compare? what kind of radius are we talking about
    Also how would I purchase one and can it be shipped to Canada?

  • Rod Hopkins

    Could you send me the particulars on your rudder for the slayer13 propel please . I oils need one shipped to
    Wasilla Alaska 99654.

    • A

      Hi Rod, we have just sent you an email with some information!

  • Hey guys wanting to purchase this rudder system for my native mariner…were can I buy one cheers

  • I think that’s a great idea. I was really interested in purchasing a propel slayer and got the opportunity to try one at demo day yesterday at my local dealers shop. I was really disappointed by the rudder and turn radius. In a strong current here in the gulf this kayak would be difficult to handle.

  • Norm Morrod

    Could you integrate a transducer connection or would that screw the streamlining of the rudder. All ideas dont have to be good ones!

    • Stephen medlin

      There has been alot of debate on where go mount the transducer. I made a group on facebook, Fishing Kayak Customizations…. check out some of the home made options on there.

  • A

    Hey Henry. This rudder can be put on the 10 as well for a great improvement. I will be posting up some videos of the difference shortly. Best Regards

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