Yeeeew Brendon and Karl From KRAKKA YAKKAZ here. We’ve just installed the BerleyPro seat risers on our Hobie Compass kayaks. This has not only now made it easy for me to get my Plano tackle Box out from under my seat but has also helped with getting to my feet to cast at squid. Just that little bit of extra height I can now get my Plano Tacklebox out at ease without doing a bum shuffle because it’s jammed between under my seat and the yak. I find it a lot easier to get to my feet when casting for fish also. It hasn’t affected my balance on the yak. When installing the seat risers I was impressed with how they fit so perfectly into the Hobie seat. I kept my screws on the inside of the seat so there was no chance of a line being caught around the screws.
What a difference they have made to the feel of my Hobie Compass. Yeeeeooorr

Karls Storage Setup #
Karl keeps a ruler, chopping board, bat and medium sized plano box all under his seat

Brendons Storage Setup #
Brendon keeps a ruler, chopping board, bat and large sized plano box all under his seat
Karl has also chucked together this video showing how easy it is to install the seat risers.
A massive shoutout to Karl and Brendon for taking the time to send this through as we really apprecaite it. Make sure you check out their social media pages on the links below.