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On the score board!

Vanuatu has so far been a great trip catching up with the family and having a look around. Unfortunately I have beaten my kayak to the island so I’ve had a bit of time to sample local beers and doing some snorkeling. I also got to make some Phil Williams inspired roof racks from left over building materials found in the middle of the road.

The weather has been perfect since I have been here so Peter Pan and myself hired some small not so fishing kayaks and womans hats for a couple of hours in the afternoon. We found a small lagoon and launched the kayaks into the bay.

We spent some time fishing for bait but only managed nemo and his relatives so we headed out around 200m where the ocean turns deep blue for some jigging. First drop and Peter Pan got bitten off before he reached the bottom and I hooked this Karong on the LJ custom rods jigging outfit and a Jimyjig. Unfortunately we had to return before we had a chance to get sore arms but I can not wait to use the Dragonfly and see what is in the water!

1 comment

  • Nice hat, love the fish, there are lots of Nemos over there, pleased you are getting on the water and doing what you love best catching fish. Have fun.

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