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Slayer Got Lock

I’ve recently been finishing off the new design for the slayer rudder but while my slayer is apart I thought this would be the perfect time to finish off the conversion from stainless cables to cord. I have been running a fairly agricultural version for the past year but I thought now was the time to tidy it up.

I made a couple of new plates for this under the handle. The cord is going to wrap around the posts that are machined into the plastic.

I have chosen to crimp the cord. Here is how they wrap around the posts.

I have offset the two posts so they can rotate around further. The crimps should also line up next to each other so they can’t rub on the cord as it turns.

I made a new handle mount without the steering stops. I plan on making a removable steering stop that bolts down on the top of the plate.


On the rudder disc I have created the same disc with two posts at the rear. The cord loops around these posts and then feeds out the existing holes.

I installed the rudder in the straight position and pulled the cord through. I just done a knot at the rear and then a couple of half hitches to tension the cord. I will cut the cord shorter once I am happy with this.

The rudder is now free to turn all the way to the hull.

Now its time to finish off the steering stop and get some of these on the water for testing. Here is a picture of how the rudder is coming along.


  • jeff pride

    looking great mate, I have modified mine its been working very well I even get some more turning with it, I will be very interested when you have got it all up and running. good luck

    regards Jeff

  • Very nice. Question for u. Anyone ever try swapping the left side control to the right side for us lefties

    • Phil Bradley

      He has done a conversion for that. I have it on my yak

  • Raymond Camilleri

    New rudder looks good.
    Dont know enough about the current steering set up to comment further except to say a new rudder is definately on the cards.

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