This year has been pretty amazing and nothing like finishing it off with a bang! Over Christmas time I will be heading to the tropical paradise of Vanuatu. Ever since I was fishing with the guys in Florida, I’ve been stuck in post trip depression. I’ve decided its definitely is time to chase something bigger than a squid! Now the hard part is where to get a kayak?

For the first time in my life I have decided I will get ready a bit earlier then the night before……let’s see how that goes. It is actually harder then it sounds to hire a kayak in some locations or even the right kayak for the job! One thing I have found travelling is it is always good to have all of your gear and a setup that is as close to home as possible. This is where the Viking Kayaks Reload is the perfect kayak with the removable Tacklepod for travelling it means I can take most of my setup with me. The team at Viking Kayaks Australia have helped me immensely this year and have continued to do so by organising shipping a Reload over just in time for Christmas!

I have been told this kayak features some serious fish catching karma…. and is already setup with a running rig, insulated cover, Railblaza starports and a rudder so this is perfect! The only problem I can see now will be the new person using it……

The guys at Viking Kayaks Australia have definitely mummified this kayak for transport! Thanks for doing such a great job at packing it you definitely are the experts when it comes to international kayak freight. I can’t wait to unwrap this on Christmas day!

Heres a shot of Lisa with a cracking Mahi she caught on a recent charter in Vanuatu. These are my dream fish and I can not wait to catch one! I’m going to run this blog over the next couple of weeks as I get everything ready. Hopefully it will help people if they ever decide to go overseas kayak fishing for some of the gear and time that goes into organising a trip like this.